Office Systems Installation

This service offers industry-standard, universal solutions to get your office’s IT devices and networks going and working

Office Systems Installation

We offer ICT infrastructure purchase, setup and installation service to businesses that need to buy, set up, and install new computers or upgrade existing ones. We handle desktops, laptops, tablets, Servers, Network infrastructure and other devices that run on various operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS, or Linux. Computer purchase, we aim to help businesses find the best computer solutions for their needs and budget and ensure that they work properly and securely. this serves include and are not limited to:

  • Help businesses choose the right computer models and specifications based on their requirements and preferences.
  • Deliver and unbox the new computers and accessories.
  • Perform system updates and remove unwanted programs.
  • Set up user accounts and profiles.
  • Install and configure software applications and drivers.
  • Connect and sync peripherals such as printers, scanners, speakers, or monitors.
  • Optimize computer performance and startup.
  • Test hardware and software functionality
  • Provide an introduction and training on how to use the new computers.

Our service spans but not limited home users, small businesses, large corporations, NGOs, government agencies, and educational institutions.